30 octubre, 2014

Inspiración nórdica con lista de la compra


Una de las cosas que más me gusta desde que escribo en el blog, es preparar post con listas de la compra. No puedo resistirme a este tipo de contenidos, la verdad. Es como cuando estás en Pinterest y te invade la furia "acaparadora" y no paras de seleccionar, pinear y guardar cosas bonitas en tus tableros: nunca es suficiente. Pues ésto es un poco lo mismo, porque hay tantas boniteces por todas partes que no puedes dejar fuera productos que te encantan.

Hoy una lista de la compra para crear un salón de ambiente nórdico (que sé que os gusta) con muchos productos bonitos. Como os imaginaréis, en realidad se han quedado muchos más fuera, pero podéis ver más ideas en la web desde la que seleccionado, que es MivInteriores. Allí trabajan con un montón de marcas nórdicas que os sonarán ya como si llevasen toda la vida con nosotros :)

Inspiración de un pequeño apartamento de dos habitaciones (no me digáis que la infantil no es una monada) + lista de deseos para darle a vuestra casa un aire nórdico renovado. Os gusta?

Buen jueves, y gracias por esos comentarios!



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4 comentarios

  1. Preciosa casa y preciosa selección de muebles! ;)

  2. Ainsss... ¡me encanta Coralia!

  3. Great Post. For students writing scholarship essay is very hard. So there are few tips to write your scholarship essay, which will help you to write your essay easily.
    1. If the writing seems unfocused or unorganized; while writing you have to focus on your writing you have to write your essay with good content. Organize your essay before writing, so that it will help you to understand and follow the narrative clearly.
    2. If there are many grammatical errors; here the students are rushed while writing essays so that the essay contents will be having many errors. So keep calm and write your essay neatly.
    3. If the introduction causes me to be eager to read more; your introduction of essay must be attention grabbing. It should grab the reader’s attention towards your essay content. So make your first section perfect by including thesis speech of your essay topic. Form your first section readers should get the idea of your essay and they must go for your essay content.
    4. If they begin simply listing events, first make the list of the points which you want to include in your essay. Use those points to write your essay section and explain it briefly. Share your thoughts and ideas in this section and use example to make it easier for the readers. From examples they will get more details about your topic.
    5. If the writer displays genuine humility and honesty; write your best essay writing service honestly and make your content easy for the readers to understand. And be more willing to invest them.
    These are the list of thoughts, for the writing essay that had transpired during the imaginative process and also while writing the scholarship process. Though considering all these tips or a choice of aspects you can write your learning essay simply.

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